
You think you are patient enough?
Well; let's contemplate the questions below; say your answers quickly and discover by yourself!

Have you ever been frustrated that one of your friends is late?
Have you ever been in a hurry and an old lady is walking slowly in front of you?
Do traffic jams and slow drivers make you impatient?
Do you feel irritated when the Internet is so slow?
Do you feel annoyed when the bus/metro makes a delay? 
Does public transportation anger you?

So tell me; on a scale of 10; how much do you really give yourself?

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As a matter of fact; I perceive patience touching 3 important aspects: Self; others and life. Practicing patience is directly linked to these 3 spheres and without one of them; we cannot nurture this discipline.

Let's start by patience towards life
Be patient with all conditions that are part of life
Be patient with getting up early to catch the bus, with the traffic jam, cold, heat, lack of sleep, and tiredness..
Be patient and let go of things that are out of your control

This diagram says it all: Do you have a problem in life? can you do about it? then there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry...
Simply why worry!

Patience towards others 
Moving on to cultivating patience towards others; this is very challenging.
You should not expect that people's character and behavior to be what you like; it is impossible to please everyone and everybody has days off. So when others let you down or irritate you; be patient.
Whatever issue you may have with this person is just temporary.
Don't let what other people do or think affect you.
Just keep still and at peace.

Patience towards yourself 
No matter how good you are, no matter how talented you are and how much you work on yourself. There are sometimes when things don't go right.
Problems arise and we face failures. Be patient with yourself.
If you fail; don't beat yourself up, just get back up and try again. It is ok to make mistakes and never compare yourself to others.
We are often harder on ourselves than we are on other people...

Patience is not the ability to wait but how you act while you are waiting -Joyce Meyer.


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