
Across Africa - North to South : My Key Takeaways

I ended The African Women in Dialogue Forum on great notes of this year : First, we’re not saying, ‘put us on the frontline because we’re women,’ but when a woman is there, and she does have the skill and the will – why make things extra difficult for her?. I believe it is time to do a plot twist on the African women’s narrative... On another note,  we need Africans to identify themselves as Africans!  Identifying yourself as an African means looking not only to our national identity but also to our African identity. This involves unlocking potentials, being proud of our diversity, appreciating our skin color, languages, dialects, accents, and culture, calling for unity, promoting our African content and celebrating our values. It is commonly said, that ‘Mother Africa holds in its hands, the cradle of humanity’.  It is amazing how each time I find myself in a totally new network learning and unlearning, I feel renewed and energized to learn more and to do more!


You think you are patient enough? Well; let's contemplate the questions below; say your answers quickly and discover by yourself! Have you ever been frustrated that one of your friends is late? Have you ever been in a hurry and an old lady is walking slowly in front of you? Do traffic jams and slow drivers make you impatient? Do you feel irritated when the Internet is so slow? Do you feel annoyed when the bus/metro makes a delay?  Does public transportation anger you? So tell me; on a scale of 10; how much do you really give yourself? As a matter of fact; I perceive patience touching 3 important aspects: Self; others and life . Practicing patience is directly linked to these 3 spheres and without one of them; we cannot nurture this discipline. Let's start by patience towards life Be patient with all conditions that are part of life Be patient with getting up early to catch the bus, with the traffic jam, cold, heat, lack of sleep, and tiredn

SUSI Student Leaders Application

Opportunity Alert : SUSI student Leaders Program ! Get Ready to fasten up your seatbelts and embark the most transformative journey in life If you are looking to cultural exposure, new knowledge , and a wonderful experience then simply SUSI program is the one! You will go through everything , literally everything from smiles , laughs , cries , deep conversations and epic adventures. Your perspective on life, and on the world will change immensely. Meeting beautiful people f rom different countries, different cultures and religion; sharing with them great moments, great memories. It is such an experience that will change you. You will feel like traveling from country to another.. The best part is developing personal bonds that will last forever ! For the ones who are going to apply , I would like to share some helpful tips: - Be you , be honest . - Talk about your passion - Choose the program that corresponds best to your personality and your work (civic engagement, en